Rural By-election (7 October 2018) - Results
Rural By-election: results for Indigenous Inhabitant Representative By-election (7 October 2018 )
Electoral Procedure (Rural Representative Election) Regulation--(Cap. 541 sub. leg. L)--(Sections 15 and 16 of the Regulation)--Notice of Nominations and Duly Elected Candidates in Uncontested Elections--Rural By-Election--Election of Resident Representative--Sha Tin Rural Committee (21 September 2018)
Electoral Procedure (Rural Representative Election) Regulation--(Cap. 541 sub. leg. L)--(Sections 15 and 16 of the Regulation)--Notice of Nominations and Duly Elected Candidates in Uncontested Elections--Rural By-Election--Election of Indigenous Inhabitant Representative--Sha Tau Kok District Rural Committee(21 September 2018)
Electoral Procedure (Rural Representative Election) Regulation--(Cap. 541 sub. leg. L)--(Sections 15 and 16 of the Regulation)--Notice of Nominations and Duly Elected Candidates in Uncontested Elections--Rural By-Election--Election of Indigenous Inhabitant Representative--Sai Kung Rural Committee(21 September 2018)
Electoral Procedure (Rural Representative Election) Regulation--(Cap. 541 sub. leg. L)--(Sections 15 and 16 of the Regulation)--Notice of Nominations and Duly Elected Candidates in Uncontested Elections--Rural By-Election--Election of Indigenous Inhabitant Representative--San Tin Rural Committee(21 September 2018)
Electoral Procedure (Rural Representative Election) Regulation--(Cap. 541 sub. leg. L)--(Sections 15 and 16 of the Regulation)--Notice of Nominations and Duly Elected Candidates in Uncontested Elections--Rural By-Election--Election of Indigenous Inhabitant Representative--Shap Pat Heung Rural Committee (21 September 2018)