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We remind you to stay vigilant to fraudulent phone calls and correspondence claiming to be from our office. We will not normally make calls to members of the public through the hotline. We will not make phone calls or write to members of the public to ask them to provide personal information or make any payment. As our hotline is operated by a central telephone system, the hotline number 2835 2500 will not be displayed. If you have any doubt, please contact our staff for verification or please call the Hong Kong Police Anti-Deception Coordination Centre 24-hour Anti-Scam Helpline 18222 for enquiry. For details, please browse the following press releases –

Press release dated 8 October 2019

Press release dated 26 July 2019

Press release dated 28 April 2017

Press release dated 5 April 2017

My Districts


Details of Funding Application

To promote stronger sense of belonging within the Southern District community, Southern District Office (SDO) sponsors activities organised by different organisations every year to enhance community involvement. To apply for Southern District Community Involvement (CI) Fund for organising activities, please submit the duly completed application form to SDO by the deadline as indicated at the table below.

Schedule of Dates for Submission of Applications for CI Fund
Project Commencement Date Application Deadline
From May to June 2024 11 April 2024
From July to September 2024 25 April 2024
From October to December 2024 4 July 2024
From January to March 2025 17 October 2024

Eligible applications will be passed to the Internal Vetting Panel appointed by SDO for consideration. Funding approval and the amount applied will be granted in accordance with the regulations of the “Guidelines on Application for Southern District Community Involvement Fund”, financial position and the number of applications received, etc.

The funding allocation arrangements for the specified types of activities/projects are set out below. For latest information, please refer to the updates on this sub-page.

“District CI Projects” and “Cantonese Operatic Song-oriented Activities” 1. “District CI Projects” and “Cantonese Operatic Song-oriented Activities”

“Sports Promotion Activities and Training Programmes” and “Arts and Cultural Promotion Activities and Training Programmes” 2. “Sports Promotion Activities and Training Programmes” and “Arts and Cultural Promotion Activities and Training Programmes”

“Activities to Promote Literature” and “Activities to Promote Music”3. “Activities to Promote Literature” and “Activities to Promote Music”

4. Activities to Promote Community Inclusion and Care (Ceased to accept applications)

Activities to Promote Women Affairs 5. Activities to Promote Women Affairs

6. Activities to Promote Greening and Public Hygiene (Ceased to accept applications)

Community Building Activities Organised by Residents’ Organisations 7. Community Building Activities Organised by Residents’ Organisations

8. Aberdeen Dragon Boat Races (Ceased to accept applications)

Information on Funding Application in Southern District
“Funding Guide on Community Involvement Programme” and application form are available at Information on Funding Application.

Points to Note
Applicant organisations should take note of the following in making application for CI Fund for the implementation of various types of CI projects and during the implementation of the approved projects:
(a) Applications with grant sought exceeding the ceilings for their respective activity types will not be considered;
(b) Late submissions will not be entertained;
(c) In the case of a project jointly organised with other organisations, the applicant organisation is required to specify the names of all co-organisers and assisting organisers in the application form for submission together with the “Consent Letter of Co-organiser”. SDO shall have the right to reject applications without “Consent Letter of Co-organiser” attached thereto;
(d) SDO shall consider a funding application when appropriate having regard to factors such as its financial position and the implementation date of the project concerned;
(e) The grantee must not accept the quotations provided by their contractors and indicate the HAD sponsorship in the publicity materials of the project concerned unless the funding approval letter has been obtained from SDO, failing which such expenses incurred may not be reimbursed;
(f) Subject to paragraph 5.2.2 of the “Funding Guide on Community Involvement Programme”, the offices of Legislative Council members or Southern District Council members, political parties or associations are not eligible to apply for CI Fund. Also, the approved projects should not be involved in the promotion of the aforesaid bodies;
(g) To show respect for intellectual property rights, if the performance of musical pieces is required during an approved project, the organiser should apply for a One-off Musical Event Permit from the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong (CASH) and Short Term Licence for Public Performance of Sound Recordings and/or Music Videos from the Hong Kong Recording Industry Alliance Limited (HKRIA) respectively. For details, please visit the websites of CASH ( and HKRIA (; and
(h) This sub-page will be updated from time to time by SDO. Details of funding application announced here shall be final.
For enquiries on the application for CI Fund for the implementation of CI projects, please contact the Secretary of Internal Vetting Panel at 2814 5803.