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We remind you to stay vigilant to fraudulent phone calls and correspondence claiming to be from our office. We will not normally make calls to members of the public through the hotline. We will not make phone calls or write to members of the public to ask them to provide personal information or make any payment. As our hotline is operated by a central telephone system, the hotline number 2835 2500 will not be displayed. If you have any doubt, please contact our staff for verification or please call the Hong Kong Police Anti-Deception Coordination Centre 24-hour Anti-Scam Helpline 18222 for enquiry. For details, please browse the following press releases –

Press release dated 8 October 2019

Press release dated 26 July 2019

Press release dated 28 April 2017

Press release dated 5 April 2017

My Districts


District Fight Crime Committee (Wong Tai Sin District)

Post Name
Chairman Mr HO Hon-man, MH, JP
Vice-chairman Mr PANG Wing-seng, Victor, MH
Members Ms CHEN Annie
Mr CHENG Man-tak, Richard
Mr CHIU Choi-lung
Ms CHU Wing-sze
Mr HON Shing-for
Mr HUNG Chor-ying, Edmond
Ms KAI Yim-lee, MH
Mr KWOK Man-kwan, MH
Mr LAM Man-fai, BBS, JP
Mr LAU Kwok-kee
Mr LI Dennis
Mr LIU Xu-dong
Mr LUI Tsz-chung
Mr MOK Cham-hung, Chadwick
Mr NG Hung-fai, Myron
Ms NG May
Mr NGAI Shi-shing, Godfrey
Ms NGAN Po-wan
Ms PAK Yuen-lan, Ellen
Mr SHI Lop-tak, SBS, MH, JP
Mr TANG Ho-hong
Ms TSE Oi-hung, MH, JP
Mr WONG Chi-yeung, MH
Mr WONG Chun-hung
Mr WONG Kam-choi, MH
Mr WONG San-fung
Mr WONG Yip-kwan, MH
Mr YEUNG Hon-yip
Ms YEW Yat-wa, Deannie
Mr YIU Ming-keung

Email Address

District Fight Crime Committee (Wong Tai Sin District):

Telephone No.

District Fight Crime Committee (Wong Tai Sin District): (852) 3143 1151


  • Wong Tai Sin District Fight Crime committee Activity - Anti-Crime Truck Parade

Achievements Reports

  • Anti-deception Ice-cream Truck
  • The Grape Carnival @Wong Tai Sin