About Us
Performance Pledges
Community Building
- attend to an enquirer within three minutes at a Home Affairs Enquiry Centre;
- attend to a telephone enquiry made at the Telephone Enquiry Centre (Telephone: 2835 2500) within one minute [discounting typhoon periods] ;
- inform an applicant making bookings of individual sessions of facilities at community centre/hall of the outcome of his application within ten working days of receipt or drawing lots, where appropriate;
- inform an applicant making block bookings of facilities at community centre/hall for a continuous period of up to three months of the outcome of his application within 21 working days of receipt or drawing lots, where appropriate;
- activate the headquarters and districts Emergency Co-ordination Centres and open up temporary shelters within 15 minutes during office hours and within 90 minutes outside office hours; and
- reimburse a grantee of Community Involvement Programme within 30 working days upon receipt of an application for reimbursement with all necessary documents and information.
- conduct inspection within eight working days of receipt of a complaint in respect of unlicensed guesthouses, clubs, bedspace apartments and karaoke establishments;
- notify an applicant of the result of initial checking of documents within four working days of receipt of an application for new licence/certificate of compliance/permit and their renewal;
- conduct site inspection to the proposed establishment premises and issue letter of upgrading requirements within 22 working days upon notifying an applicant of the result of initial checking of documents;
- for applications of new hotel/guesthouse licence, new club-house certificate of compliance, new bedspace apartment licence and new karaoke establishment licence/permit, notify an applicant of the application result within 35 working days upon receipt of the report of completion of the required upgrading works; and
- for performance pledge on issue of entertainment licences (including Amusement Game Centre Licences, Amusements with Prizes Licences, Public Dance Hall Licences, Lotteries Licences, Mahjong / Tin Kau Licences, Tombola Licences and Trade Promotion Competition Licences), please click here.
Estate Beneficiaries Support Services
- issue a Confirmation Notice, certifying that the handling of a small estate wholly made up of money not exceeding $50,000 will be exempted from the relevant intermeddling provisions, within 12 working days of receipt of an application and all necessary documents and information;
- issue a Certificate for Necessity of Inspection of Bank Deposit Box within ten working days of receipt of an application and all necessary documents and information;
- issue an Authorization for Removal from Bank Deposit Box within ten working days of receipt of an application and all necessary documents and information;
- issue a Certificate for Necessity of Release of Money to meet funeral expenses of a deceased person within one hour of receipt of an application and all necessary documents and information; and
- issue a Certificate for Necessity of Release of Money for maintenance of former dependants of a deceased person within five working days of receipt of an application and all necessary documents and information.
Rates Exemption
- The Home Affairs Department (HAD) will acknowledge receipt of an application for rates exemption within ten calendar days on receiving the application.
- The Rating and Valuation Department (RVD) will respond to a request for recommendation from HAD on an application within three months after receiving the request if no investigative work is required for the houses concerned.
- The Lands Department (LandsD) will respond to a request from HAD for advice within three months after receiving the request if no investigative work is required for the houses concerned.
- HAD will complete processing a rates exemption application within four months upon receipt of recommendation and advice from RVD and, where appropriate, LandsD, if the applicant has submitted all information required.
Complaints Handling
- acknowledge receipt within ten calendar days of receipt of a complaint; and
- issue a substantive reply within 30 calendar days of receipt of a complaint.