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Press release dated 8 October 2019

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Press release dated 5 April 2017

Public Services

District Governance

The policy objective of the government in district governance is to build a harmonious community and enhance the well-being of the people. In order to enhance the efficacy of district governance, the Government announced proposals on improving governance at the district level in May 2023, so to strengthen the district governance structure and reform the District Councils (DCs). More details could be found in the LegCo Brief on “Improving Governance at the District Level”. With the full support from the Legislative Council (LegCo), the District Councils (Amendment) Bill 2023 was passed in July 2023 and the District Councils (Amendment) Ordinance 2023 was published in the Gazette and came into effect on 10 July 2023.

After improving district governance, under the coordination and steer of the Steering Committee on District Governance (SCDG) and the Task Force on District Governance (TFDG) chaired by the Chief Secretary for Administration and the Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration respectively, the DCs, District Services & Community Care Teams and other district organisations and groups, work together to serve the community.