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Press release dated 8 October 2019

Press release dated 26 July 2019

Press release dated 28 April 2017

Press release dated 5 April 2017

Public Services

Property Management

The Property Management Services Authority

The Property Management Services Ordinance (“Cap. 626”) sets out the functions and operations of the Property Management Services Authority (the Authority). The Authority is a self-financing statutory body supported by income generated from licence fees and levies. Its main functions are to regulate the provision of property management services through a licensing regime, promote the integrity of property management companies and practitioners, and enhance the status of the profession of property management services. For enquiries, please contact the Executive Office of the Authority –

Website :
Telephone :  3696 1111
Address : Units 806-8, 8/F, Dah Sing Financial Centre, 248 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Email :

Members of the Authority are appointed by the Chief Executive in accordance with the Property Management Services Ordinance (“Cap. 626”). The membership is as follows -


Dr James WONG Kong-tin, BBS, JP


Professor Eddie HUI Chi-man, MH, JP


Dr Johnnie CHAN Chi-kau, SBS, JP

Mr Dick KWOK Ngok-chung, MH

Mr Spencer LAW

Mr Stephen POON Kin-leung

Mr Ivan TAM Kwok-wing, MH

Ms Ann AU Chor-kwan, JP

Mr Jonathan CHANG Tien-yin, SC

Ms WONG Hau-yan

Ms Annie WONG Pak-yan

Mr CHO Wui-hung, MH

Mr CHOW Luen-kiu, MH, JP

Miss Renee HO Hang-yin

Mr Manley LAU Man-kit

Mr Benny YEUNG Tsz-hei, BBS, MH

Mr YIU Kwok-wai

Mr Jeremy YOUNG Chit-on

Director of Housing or her representative

Director of Home Affairs or her representative

Appeal Panel (Property Management Services)

Property Management Services Ordinance (Cap. 626)