Sham Shui Po District Office in collaboration with Lok Sin Tong and Poly U, with the sponsorship of Hong Kong Jockey Club, launches the "Sham Shui Po to Flight for the Virus Together with the Elderly"
With sponsorship from the Hong Kong Jockey Club, "Sham Shui Po to Flight for the Virus Together with the Elderly" was launched by the Sham Shui Po District Office in collaboration with Lok Sin Tong. The project developed anti-virus 3D-print materials for door handles at the Shek Kip Mei Park Sport Centre Holding Centre in order to enhance the protection to the elderly in the centre. The technology is developed by an interdisciplinary research team of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU team) to adopt anti-virus 3D printing technology which can eliminate novel coronavirus and most common viruses and bacteria on a surface.